Glossary of Terms

Term Description
Hull Homesearch The name for Hull City Council's choice based lettings scheme.
Choice based Lettings Allows applicants for social housing to express an interest in available properties which are advertised.
Current Expressions of Interest This is the total number of properties you are interested in for the current advert.
Band When you apply for housing, you will be placed in a band which reflects your current housing circumstances.
Bid An expression of interest in a property. You place a bid for a property to let Hull City Council know you are interested in it.
Bidding deadline The deadline for placing bids each week. You cannot place bids for properties after this time.
Lettings Policy This sets out the order in which applicants will be prioritised. You can find more information on our lettings policy at
Feedback This tells you what priority the person had who the property was let to and how many bids were made against the property.
Bid Basket As you are looking through the property list you can add properties to your basket . To add a property to your basket, follow the view details link for the property you are interested in, then follow the add to basket link on the details page. Once you have put a property in your basket, you can then view and confirm your bids.
Successful expressions of interest This is the total number of properties you are interested in for the current advert. It does not include any properties you were interested in from previous adverts. It does not include any that were rejected because you failed to meet the necessary criteria.
Local Lettings Policy Local letting policies apply for some of our properties where special criteria apply. Please see current local lettings policies using the link at the bottom of the page.